Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sometimes life just sucks!!! A worship song by Jodi Adams

Sometimes life just sucks. Sometimes we think it is going to be the best day and then life just sends you to the middle of a big pile of suckage.

Today was supposed to be a great day! Tubes were coming out of Tahd and school just might be able to resume tomorrow! NOPE! I just knew when I saw the doctor's face that today wouldn't be that great day. Tahd's urethra hadn't completely healed from the surgery. So after they removed both catheters and gave him a moment of freedom...they put one back in and said to come back in two weeks! Aargghhh! I dreaded seeing Tahd's face as he came out of the radiology room after the procedure. I knew he would be so disappointed and he rightly should have been. He tried to squeak out a smile to be polite.

We got to the car and he was quiet. I gave him his "Hooray your tubes are out!" gift of the signed book from Travis Cotrell which became the "So sorry your day just sucks!" gift and he squeaked out a little smile and a little bigger one when he saw Travis' signature.

Wouldn't you know that the entire way home we heard songs that talked about praising God through the storms and when we hurt, AND WHEN YOUR DAY SUCKS, and that our God is big enough! Now I didn't actually hear a song with lyrics that said, "Praise God when your day sucks," but there might as well have been one because that is what I heard. So we praised God that we have this incredible doctor who wasn't willing to say that Tahd had healed close enough to 100%. Nope, even 99% wouldn't do. He said two more weeks is better than a lifetime of problems. And we praised God that we are at 99%! Woohoo!

"So I will praise you, God, through this sucky day,
knowing that tomorrow may be just as grey.
We might still need gauze and bandaids, tubes and bags,
but our God is bigger and on this we'll brag!
Sleepless nights and broken hearts,
my God is in them, every part.
He hasn't left us and soon you'll see,
that someday my son will be free...free to pee!
We praise you!"

1 comment:

Mama Sky said...

Laughing and crying, crying and laughing. Bless his heart and bless yours. Sorry your day sucked, way to go praising God anyway!