Yesterday was my anniversary! Chad and I have been married 18 years. Compared to my parents 54 years, 18 is nothing. But in this day when celebrity marriages sometimes don't last through the honeymoon, I'd say it's something. I love that guy.
Our anniversary date was simple...a quick trip to Home Depot, burgers at Chili's with our favorite margarita's, nothing worth seeing at the movies so we rented "Bedtime Stories," watched it with the kids and we both fell asleep during it. Ah yes, it's the simple things that we live for!
So let me brag for a moment on my guy and what he does for me:
1. He kisses me good-bye every morning even if I am asleep and won't remember it.
2. He calls me everyday to remind me that he loves me!
3. He doesn't get upset if I decide I am not cooking dinner and he has to do it when he gets home.
4. He doesn't get mad (to my face atleast) when he doesn't have clean underwear for the next day because I spent the day trying to perfect my blog.
5. He lives to surprise me, like yesterday when he bought me a special tree for my anniversary. The one I just loved, but thought I wouldn't get because it was too expensive. I walked outside and there it was!
6. He'll buy me tampons if I need them.
7. He makes me laugh...boy does he make me laugh.
8. He has let me get every animal that I have wanted...except a parakeet and a ferret...not sure why.
9. He tells me the truth even when it hurts.
10. He supports me and the ministry God has called me to.
11. He loves me!
Yes, God has blessed me.
Two years ago, it snowed on April 7th. "What a fluke!", I thought. It hardly snows in Georgia to begin with, let alone in April...let alone on my anniversary. Guess what it did all day here yesterday? Yup, it snowed! God lives to surprise us. He makes all things new and beautiful. As I stared in amazement at the snow falling again on my anniversary, God reminded me that He likes to surprise us and lavish his love on us, too. You may not have been thrilled at the weather this week, but I was! I LOVE snow and my God knows that! That was my anniversary gift from my Heavenly Father and a reminder that He is Lord of this home and this marriage.
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