Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Update on my Speaking Ministry

So this speaking thing is going pretty good. Even in my off time, I am continuing to see God grow this ministry. He continually shows His favor, always leaving me in AWE! For instance....

..."She Speaks" Conference
You may have noticed by my donation tally, that it hasn't moved in a month. But that doesn't mean that God isn't providing. On the same day that Chad realized that he couldn't make this trip to She Speaks with me, a fellow Women's Leaguer contacted me, asking me if she could go to She Speaks with me and room with me. Instantly, the cost of my gas and hotel was cut in half! But He didn't stop there. Then she let me know that one of her friends wanted to go and asked if she could share the room with us! Now the cost dropped by 2/3's. So the hotel that would have cost close to $600 is now $178 and gas is what?...maybe $20 or $30? Yeah God! Another way to look at it is that in the month of March, I have received $500 AND an all girl's trip! Make no mistake though, I'd rather travel with Chad!

...The Women's League, Inc.
In January, I stepped down from the position of The Women's League Coordinator for Coob Vineyard Church, because I felt God was leading me in the direction of speaking and that I really couldn't do both well at the same time. God raised up a gifted leader to take my place and I felt that was God's confirmation to step out in faith.

In the past week, I have been contacted by 4 churches to speak at their Fall Kickoffs. Hooray!!! I am so excited about that. God has been revealing the teaching that He would like me to share at these events, and it is nice to finally get some dates concreted for August. I was honored to be asked back by Cobb Vineyard, my home church.

I also have been given the reigns for leading the Speaking Ministry for The Women's League Inc. One thing that we will be offering the women that I will be in charge of are Podcasts from The Women's League, Inc. website. We are in the process of working out the kinks to accomplish this, but I am very excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for this. I have two women who will be working with me on this project and hopefully we will have our first podcast up and running in May.

...other avenues of speaking

I remember when I went to "She Speaks" last year and attended a breakout session on getting more bookings, they said the number one way to get bookings was through word of mouth. I thought that it would be a long time before that started happening, but it has been happening quicker than I expected. OK, so my phone is not ringing off the hook, but it is happening. Huh?!

The thing that I love the most in this new venture, is the passion that is in me to hear from God and dive into the Word. I don't think that I have ever been so hungry for something in all my life. I don't ever want to lose that hunger. I want to wake up hungry every day, knowing that the only thing that will fill me up is the nourishment of being in the Word. I hope you are hungry, too.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Praise God for the gift he's given you. Be blessed, my friend.