Apparently, my pond is the perfect habitat for fish and frogs to breed. Who knew? Since we built the pond in May, we have had atleast 4 fish lay eggs and those eggs have hatched. What a surprise it was to come out one day and see baby koi along the waters edge!

Kelsey and her baby fish catching tool of choice...a meat baster!
Ever since the first day we saw the babies, my daughter Kelsey has been on a constant search for babies in need of rescue so they will not be eaten by the big fish. I catch a glimpse of her out there everyday with net, meat baster, and bucket in hand looking for babies. We find them most of the time in the shallows where there is a rock wall and plants to hide in.

The shallows and the rock wall!
Yesteday I was sitting by my pond and thought, "We should build a wall that will protect the babies from the big fish. Then we can just put them inside the wall when we find them, instead of taking them out of the pond altogether." I gave this task to Kelsey. She used bricks with holes in them and created a wall that let little fish in but kept the big fish out. She provided a place of safety to those in need of shelter.
This morning, I went out to the pond and saw her wall for the first time. There were baby fish and tadpoles all safe and sound behind the walls with the tall rock wall looming above. There were even a few in front of the wall who had ventured through the holes, but stayed close to the security of the wall. It gave me this picture image of the walls of Jerusalem with Mount Zion looking down on the city.
There is security when we are within the boundaries that God sets for us. We are safe within the shelter. He makes it easy for us to enter and a desired place to stay. But it is a difficult place for the enemy to enter.
Psalm 122:6,7 says:
"May those who love you be secure.
May there be peace within your wallsand security within your citadel."
Psalm 125:1,2 says: "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds his people
both now and forevermore."
We are not only safe behind the walls of Jerusalem, but we are also protected by Mount Zion. We are protected on all sides, above, below and all around!
Take comfort, we are in God's hands!
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