They were words I have been waiting 6 months to hear. From behind the curtain I heard Dr. Fantastic say, "I couldn't have hoped that it would have healed up any better." He came around the curtain and said to me,"He's perfect."
PERFECT...the words I have waited for. Perfect. It is hard to believe that this whole ordeal with Tahd started almost a year ago. Longer than that if you count the years that he suffered in silence, not knowing he had an issue. When things are wrong for what seems like forever, you just assume they are normal.
Since September 23rd, Tahd has had a catheter in place for 6 months, 2 of those months with 2 catheters. Tahd went to school with one in place for 3 months, and missed 8 weeks of school. He spent almost the entire school year catching up. He endured 2 visits to the ER for attempted catheterizations (12 times all unsuccessful), 3 operations, scopings of the most private kind, and many embarrassing moments. But unless you were one of the few people who saw him on the 2 days following his major surgery, you never heard a complaint or saw his face without a smile. He was so brave, so patient, so PERFECT.
I never have felt helpless in my life, until I spent 10 hours away from my son while he was in surgery and recovery. As Chad and I sat there alone, waiting, worrying, praying, I took comfort in 3 things:
1. God loved Tahd more than me and would take care of him in my absence.
2. Dr Fantastic was THE best doctor...he invented the surgery he was preforming on Tahd.
3. My friends were lifting us all up in prayer.
To look at Tahd you would never know anything happened. He may have a few physical scars, but it is as if he is emotionally unscathed. I think this was God's protection over him. He can talk about his ordeal and not be embarrassed and he can talk to his father and I in an open way that may not have been if we had not walked through this journey together.
Jen said it best. She was one of the few that I allowed to come see Tahd at his lowest point in the hospital. The day after surgery she commented on how sad and hurting he seemed. She recalled looking at Tahd and looking out the window at Stone Mountain in the distance. She told him that someday they would hike to the top of it together when he was all healed up. On our vacation together, as she watched him jump off the big rock with the biggest smile on his face, she was glad to see him healed and able to do whatever he wanted to do.

He is perfect! Thank you Lord.