Here I go AGAIN! I officially signed up for the
Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference today. In June, one of my first blogs was about my first trip there. It was an incredible trip and a solid confirmation that speaking is the ministry that God has called me to. In the past year, I have had the privilege of speaking to over 1,100 people. I have spoken 3 times already this year to 250 people, with 3 more speaking engagements on Friday. WooHoo! In the past year, I have developed 4 teachings and was able to revamp my testimony to a "big girl" version. I am currently working on a teaching revolving around Mary and her role as Jesus's mom and how we can learn from her sacrifice.
Today, I stepped out and registered, having faith that God would provide the monies that I will need to pay for the conference, hotel, gas, and all the extras I will need. See, I don't have $1,300+ to pay for this trip. I can barely pay for my son's tuition. But God provided, right down to the last penny last time, and I am praying that He will again. So many of my church family members gave me incredible donations and words of love and encouragement that I was blown away.
So hear I am again, sending out donation letters and asking for support. This time, timing is a little more critical. I have a deadline to pay the conference cost itself. Too hard to explain, so I won't, but I need to pay $415 by the middle of March. Praising God that I already have $100 to put towards it. So I am down to $315.
Would you join in praying for me, that God would raise up people to donate before the middle of March? I didn't have this initial issue last time, because I was paid upfront for speaking at NorthStar for
The Women's League Kickoff. My prayer is that I will receive speaking engagements that will pay for this trip entirely. Would you join me in praying for that? I have two churches outside of GA that are thinking about using me. I am praying that I hear from them soon with positive news that they would like to hire me. Both churches have been given the recommendation by a close family member of theirs or a church member to use me. Pray! Pray! Pray!
I know that God likes to keep me totally dependant on Him and I totally am at His incredible mercies again to see this conference through.
I am going to keep a running talley on by blog of the money that has come in so far!