"WaHaHaHa! My evil plan
to take over this house
is working!
is working!
Now for the WORLD!"
Miss Pepper Potts AKA Miss Potts, Pepper, or Pepper Potts, has adjusted quite well to our home. She has brought much joy and excitement to our house. This quiet, nervous little critter has turned into quite a wildfire! She loves all her toys and finds great fun in getting caught up in Brutus' fluffy tail. Leo wants to play with her, but he needs to learn how to play a little more gentle. Templeton is as kind as can be. Cricket could care less and Chloe seems a little ticked off.
Pepper Potts has bonded extremely well with all of us and never wants to be alone. She likes to sleep on my bed. Last night, I woke to find her sleeping on Chad's chest. AA
Pepper Potts has bonded extremely well with all of us and never wants to be alone. She likes to sleep on my bed. Last night, I woke to find her sleeping on Chad's chest. AA
Miss Potts came to us from our friend and former neighbor, Kathy! Miss Pott's mother was a stray with older kittens when Kathy found that she was pregnant again. Kathy brought her in her home and let her have her babies in a safe place. Chad and I alway have a soft spot for the underdog(cat) or the unique and we fell in love with Miss Pepper Potts the first time we saw her. We also wanted to help Kathy out, who by way, has taken in the Mama cats older kittens in an attempt to tame them and place them in loving homes.
Here are some of
our cute moments with Miss Pepper Potts ov
the last
five days!
Here are some of